Bart's Bad Ass Chili

2 lb Ground Beef (The leaner the better)
1 15oz Can Kidney Beans (I tried it starting from scratch with
dried beans but it wasn't worth the effort)
1 15oz can Black Turtle Beans (Progresso makes good ones)
1 8oz can tomato sauce (I don't like a lot of tomato in my chili)
1 large Yellow Onion (Chopped)
5-6 cloves of garlic (or about 2 teaspoons of garlic in oil)
12 Large Jalapeno peppers (Take the seeds out before using)[I dont use these]
1 tblsp Paprika
1 tblsp Cumin
1 tblsp Garlic Powder
1 tblsp Oregano
1 tsp Cayenne (I told ya I liked it hot)[I double this amount]
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
Salt to taste
Enough Olive oil to saute the onions,garlic and jalapenos

Chop the onions, peppers and garlic. Saute them in olive oil until the
onions are browned. Throw in the Beef and continue cooking until the
beef is browned. When done, throw the mixture along with all of the
other ingredients, into a crock pot or stewing pot. In the crock pot
cook for 6 to 10 hours. In the stew pot cook covered for about an hour
and a half. If more liquid is needed I like to add beer, but red wine
is great too. (I use water since I dont have any beer or wine).

after its done, I like to add in grated cheddar cheese..nummy!



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